Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Script - Nothing

[Verse 1]
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet

They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I'm never
Only they can’t see where this is gonna end
They all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing

[Verse 2]
So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences
I know if I faced her face, that she'll come to her senses
Every drunk step I take leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurting, she'll take me back for sure

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing

She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing

Ohh, sometimes love's intoxicating
Ohh, you're coming down, your hands are shaking
When you realize there's no one waiting

Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around

And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing

She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
I got nothing
I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Ohh I got nothing

I got nothing [x3]

Sunday, May 8, 2011


heyooo blog! I wanna share you something wkwkwk

wkt itu gue inget bgt. gue lg deket sm seseorang dan yaaah bisa dibilang lg ngalusin lah. panggil aja si baja hitam yap wkwk. nah gue ceritain yap awal kedekatan gua wkwkwk. biodata aja deh nih wkwkwk :p

nama asli: *ada deeeh*
ultah: Jakarta, 5 Desember 1992
jenis kelamin: laki laki
rumah: villa santika, gak tau nomor berapa wakakak
smp: di depok, di bangor deh kl gk slh
sma: satu sekolah sm kaka gue, tdnya dia di cirebon trus bgt kelas 2 pindah ke jakarta
kelas: wkt itu sih XI IPA 2, bgt kelas 3, kelas XII IPA 1 apa 3 gitu
lagu yg dia suka: lagu2 indie, screamo, metal, dll
hasil pdkt: hm wkt itu sih yg gue liat dr hasil pdkt gue (wakakak apadah) hm dia suka bgt dtg ke acara gigs gitu entah itu di kampus atau dimana. tp plg sering di daerah depok. eya dia juga suka main billiard :p trus dia jg suka ngeband. dia bs main gitar sm bass! skrg dia punya band yg ada 4 personil. dia dket bgt sm cewek smpe gue prnh cemburu -_- dia jg suka permainan yg menantang adrenalin! hm sm apalagi yaa? lupaaa wkwk
cir2i: lumayan tinggi, scr tampang lumayan!, hidung nya mancung, rambut kyk nobita, sawo mateng gitu deh kulitnya, kurus.
sifat: baik, asik, nyambung kalo diajak ngmg apa aja, perhatian, suka curcol mulu orgnya.

wahahahaha lengkap gak? wakakakak :p gue sempet shock jg loh org mcm kyk dia bs ngincer gue ~_~ hm lanjut. wkt itu tptnya tgl 10 Desember 2009 (kl gak slh), itu pertama kalinya gue ktemu sm dia. wkt itu gue msh kelas 8 dan dia sdg main ke rumah gue beserta tmen2 kaka gue yg lainnya. gue wkt itu msk siang sih jdnya gak lama bgt dia dtg, gue lgsg brgkt skolah T.T

nah di tgl 16 Desember 2009, kedua kalinya gue ketemu sm dia. gilaaaak di tgl itu gue bener2 bs ngeliat muka diaaaa. bygn ajaaa temen2 kaka gue ada dikamar kaka gue, dia doang sm keriting (nm smrn) si temen kaka gue, yg ada dikarpet. daaan fyi, kamar gue itu pas bgt dkt karpet ruang tengah dan gue lg ada dikamar! wakakakakak anjir anjir :DDDD truuus tbtb pas sblm temen2 kaka gue mau main bola, dia tbtb ngmg gni:

keriting: "mbot, baja hitam mau ngmg nih"
gue: "apa?"
baja hitam: ""mbot, minggu dpn mau ke citos gak?"
gue: *kagetbgt* "serius? hm gak tau deh"
baja hitam: "iyaaa. yaudah kl gk bs jg gapapa"

begitu pulaaang.............

baja hitam: "eh mbot, minta nomor lu dong"
gue: "he?" *kaget*
keriting: "gue pnya nmrnya kok ntr lu mnt ama gue aja"
baja hitam: "okeokeee"

wakakakakakakakakak gue disitu kaget cooooy!!!! gilagilaaaa :D :D :D yaudah yaudah lanjut. besoknya, itu hr pertama gue smsan sm diaaaa!!! :D jd kan di sekolah kaka gue wkt itu ada planet remaja dateng. naaah kebetulaaan disitu dia sms sepik2 gituuu nanya kaka gue dtg apa gak nyaa eeeh keterusan jd smsan :D bygn ajaaa gue hr pertama smsan sm dia aja dr jam set 9 pagi smpe jam set 10 malem dan itu non-stop! wahahaha gak kbygkan bnyk bgt topik yg dibahas slm smsan pdhl itu udh hr pertama...........

smpe akhirnya, gue smsan sm dia dr hr kamis smpe hr minggu. dan gue inget bgt, di hari kedua smsan dia minta gue nemenin dia smsan smpe jam 3 pagi grgr dia lg di cirebon, ortunya ada acara gitu deeh. yaudah tuh gue temenin ajaaa hahaha dan disini ada sms yggg gk gue lupain wkwkwk.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009. 01:30 AM - smpe selesai

baja hitam: mbot, lu lg ngincer siapa?
gue: "gk ngincer siapa2 haha knp? lu?"
baja hitam: "oalaaah sma nih gue jg gk ngincer siapa2. lu aja deh yg jadi pcr gue hahahahaha"
gue: "yakaliiiiii becanda aja lu wkwkwk"
baja hitam: "yaaah sayang sekali anda telah melewatkan tiket menjadi pacar saya hahaha"

wakakakakak coba gue bilang iya yaaa GOBLOK! -_- abis gue kira becanda. cb gue blg iyaa wah pasti tuh org udh jd mantan gue atau mungkin msh jd pcr gue :p naaah pas tgl berapaaa gitu gue lupaa. gue sm dia smsan dan dia tbtb blg gini "coba lu blg iyaa wkt itu wah lu udh jd pcr gue kali hahaha" anjirrr rasanya gue mau nangis bgt disituuu huhuhuhu broken heart parah -_-

semenjak itu, tbtb dia jd gak sms2 gue. tiap gue dismsin dia, girangnya bukan main. seneeeeng bgt!!! tppp lama2 dia jd ngejauh............. dan you must know? begitu gue buka fb nya, tbtb JENGJEEEEENG! stautusnya kyk gini: "in a relationship with........." SHOCK! ANJRIIIITTTT PARAAAH DIA TRUS JADIAN SM ORANG LAIN??! OGUT BENERRRRR -__- begitu gue liat, gue langsung nangis. gak nyangka baja hitam sejahat itu ke gue.......huhuhuhuu :'''''''((

selama kurang lebih sebulan, gue berusaha buat ngelupain dia tuh. tppp susaaah bgt dan sampe akhirnya gue curhat sm ilham. dr sekian sms gue sm ilham, cuman ada 1 yg bkal gue inget sampe kapanpun. dia sms gini:

ilham: "yaudaaah jgn sedih lagi. msh banyak cowok diluar sana yg lebih baik dr dia. jodoh jg gak akan kemana kok dip. dan inget! jangan nyia2in kesempatan! hehe"

gak tau knp setelah gue bc sms itu gue lgsg senyum dan hati gue lgsg plong! alhasil, gue bs ngelupain baja hitam!!! HOREEEE!!! \m/ tp gk tau knp gue jg bingung knp gue bs gt aja ngelupain ckckck

2 months later.......................

stelah insiden gue broken heart sm baja hitam, alhamdulillah gue dpet penggantinya haha sebut saja bernard. naah disaat gue kira2 udh mau 2 bulanan sm bernard, tbtb si baja hitam dtg gue sih biasa aja toh juga gue udh pnya cowok dan dia cuman sekadar masa lalu lah wkwk. sampe akhirnya, si keriting sms gue gini.

keriting: "mbot, lu mesti tau yaa. wkt itu kan baja hitam ngmg gini ke gue: 'eh kyknya si dipta bkal lama deh sm cowoknya, gue lg ngincer dia soalnya' gt. cb yg wkt dia ngajak ke citos itu jadi, tp knp bs gak jadi? gue khsth yaaa ini tuh grgr kaka lu. yg kaka lu blg kl kaka lu bkal buntutin lu slm lu pergi sm dia ke citos, dia jd males makanya gk jadi. cb jadi wah gk tau deh haha"

wakakakakakakakak shoooooooockkkk! ternyata seorang baja hitam bisa sadar kalo I'm the one who belong with him wkwkwk :p dan dr situ gue percaya kalo KARMA ITU ADA! :D

Friday, May 6, 2011

no title

hey heeey maaf niih kalo keseringan nge post pake bahasa asing wkwkwk biasalah anak baru belajar bahasa luar pasti ada kesalahan kaaan? so, maafin yaaa kalo ada tata bahasa yg masih kacau parah hehehe :) tp thanks a lot udh mau menyisihkan waktu buat baca blog gue T.T *terharu* :p okeoke, keep go ahead!

Bullet For My Valentine - Bittersweet Memories

ini lirik lagu ngepaaaas banget deh sama keadaan gue yg sekaranggg :( hey, I hope you listen these scream. These scream's from my heart and I don't lie! please go away from me..........looking at you just makes me hurts a lot :(

You turn me off at the push of a button
And you pretend that I don't mean nothing
I'm not a saint that's easy to tell
But guess what, honey, you ain't no angel

You like to scream me as words as a weapon
Well, go head take your best shot, man
I wanna leave you, it's easy to see
But guess what, honey, it's not that easy

We get so complicated
These fingers for our memories

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so

Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left of me
Just bittersweet memories, memories

I, I wanna run and escape from your prison
But when I leave I feel something is missing
I'm not afraid that's easy to tell
This can't be heaven, it feels like I'm in hell

You're like a drug that I can't stop taking
I want more and I can't stop craving
I still want you, it's easy to see
But guess what, honey, you're not that good for me

We get so complicated
These fingers for our memories

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so

Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left of me
Just bittersweet memories
Just bittersweet memories

We get so complicated
This thing is for our memories
We get so complicated

So rip my pictures from your wall
Tear them down and burn them all
Light the fire, walk away
There's nothing left to say so

Take the ashes from the floor
Bury them to just make sure
That nothing more is left from me
Just bittersweet memories

There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to say

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

welcome to the new me!


gilaaa udah lama niiih gak mosting di blogger ini yaampun -_- abis gmnn bingung yah mau cerita apaaa. kangeeeen bgt, begitu baca postingan yg dulu2............ kok gue aktif bgt blogging yaa wkt itu? skrg udah ada twttr sih jdnya fokus twttr trus *gayaaa-_-*

okeoke. btw, skrg gue udh kelas 9! *gakpenting* hm alhamdulillah gue udah menempuh UAN. gaaaah bayangin aja belajar 3thn hanya ditentukan 4hari?! It's not fair, very very not fair. hm tppp lg libur panjaaaaang nih skrgggg wkwkwkw :p

ehiyaaa I have a lot of story nicccc wkwk di posting slnjtnya aja yeppp okee?

oyaaa promote dikittt follow twitter: @diptsssy dan follow tumblr: thankyou please enjoy my blog :D